Fresh baked “Fong Bao” from the oven – 方包出爐

Random musings & meditations straight from the oven. Hopefully some food for thought as well…

Archive for Whatcha talkin bout Fong Bao? – 方包開玩笑嗎?

140 characters or less

(*= Oven Lingo)

Can 1 truly express oneself in 140 characters or less? Opinions may vary but Twitter has certainly forced me to be concise with my diction

Work & studies have left me with little time to reflect, gather & share my thoughts on the blog. Tweeting became the compromise.

Much like @Kyotea (Cdn Gooner), I’ve come to appreciate the ability to share what random thoughts I have, images I see, instantaneously.

Not that my tweets are important or profound but as @meestasparkle once said, these bite size nuggets become bookmarks of one’s life.

That being said, lots of situations and experiences in life deserve more than what 140 characters can encapsulate.

Hence the upcoming #Christmas season will be welcomed for many reasons, one of which is to re-engage myself to the blog & baking loaves”.

Recent happenings indicate there is much to share. It’s a just a matter of putting the thoughts into, not just words but, paragraphs.

Until then, here’s to one more month of studies on taxation & reading through that 3000 page phone book called the #IncomeTaxAct. Yeesh!

RT I do apologize for the peculiar format/nature of this loaf*, buy hey, @fongbao can only say so much, 140 characters at a time.

The Decision – Steve Carrell version



「喂! 今晚阿Sir請食飯呀! 」

「随便坐! 」

A Town Called Panic

Last Thursday I was flipping through the newspaper when I came across this interesting little review about a quirky Belgian stop motion animation feature named “A Town Called Panic”. Being someone who enjoys the odd, obscured animation film, I decided to check it out.

“A Town Called Panic” contains a lot of elements that I liked: Monty Python-type humor along with Charlie Chaplin/Buster Keaton-style of slap stick adventure. And there is just something about talking plastic figurines – French speaking no less – that fascinates me. I can’t explain it but if I were to guess, it’s probably the kid in me.

The world of “A Town Called Panic” may look a bit simple on the surface but it’s full of neat subtleties and nuggets of humor that jump out at you when you least expected. That is probably what I enjoyed most about the film.

As someone who has a profound disdain for plot spoilers, I will only say the three “heros” of the film embarked on a wild and whacky journey as a result of a silly mistake made by two of them. I’ll leave the rest for you to discover.

“A Town Called Panic” is definitely a niche film so if you don’t care for silly, foreign-language-speaking plastic figurines roaming around in a surreal, bizarro world, it’s probably a good idea to stay away. Otherwise, I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for some good old fashion humor and silly slap stick “performed” by a hoard of cheap looking plastic figurines that will charm you in ways never imagined.

Item du jour

Warning! Plot Spoilers!

No apple tarts for YOU!

(* = Lingo alert)

Those of you who have tasted one of these apple tarts from New Town Bakery will know how addictive they can be, especially when it’s fresh out of the oven. Back in the day when we had “Fat Fridays” at the “bakery”*, I usually swing by Chinatown on my way to work and pick them up. Without fail, the tarts were usually the first to go.

Since the end of “Fat Fridays” some 2 years (?) ago, the apple tarts were out of mind, out of sight. But today we had a potluck at the “bakery” so I decided to bring them back for a long awaited appearance. I picked up 2 dozens but wasn’t sure if there were enough to go around.

When I told my colleagues about the tarts, most of them grabbed one as we started a brief meeting. One of them, C, was really fond of the tarts and quickly ate two. Then, during a discussion, I noticed C reached over wanting to grab his third tart. In a moment of madness, which I still cannot explain, I called out his name while someone was talking and gestured to him to put that apple tart back into the box!

My intention, really, was to make sure there were enough tarts to go around. But in the process, I embarrassed C in front of everyone. As much as I tried to apologize to him right after the meeting ended, I could tell he wasn’t too impressed.

So, say hello to The Apple Tart Nazi!

Item du jour